Opportunities for Everyone
CFO hosts events and provides education throughout the year for all types of interests. Take your choice of webinars, ID workshops, field trips, competitive birding events, conventions, and more.
Become a member
CFO members receive the outstanding quarterly journal Colorado Birds. Members may register before others for events with limited capacity and often enjoy discounted prices.
CFO provides various opportunities for giving to help conserve Colorado's birds and to help support our programs. You can make a difference.

Latest CFO News
The 2024 Great Boulder Caper Recap
Finding a New Bird for The State: Crissal Thrasher
The Impact CFO and Our Members Have Had in 2024
Our Impact
"CFO's generous gift is making a significant impact for the conservation of grassland birds. It's enabling the installation of a permanent Motus station that will track birds as they migrate across the Great Plains. CFO funding is restoring 346 acres of key habitat that benefits wintering birds in Chihuahua.