Colorado Field Ornithologists present awards to individuals and organizations for service to Colorado's avian diversity.
Ronald A. Ryder Award
The Ronald A. Ryder Award for Distinguished Service to Colorado Field Ornithology is named for the late Dr. Ronald Arch Ryder, known to friends and birders as "Ron". Dr. Ryder was a longtime professor of wildlife biology at Colorado State University and an influential force in Colorado Field Ornithologists and other Colorado birding groups. This award is given to individuals for:
- For distinguished service to the Colorado Field Ornithologists organization and its goals.
- For scholarly contributions to the Colorado Field Ornithologists and to Colorado field ornithology.
- For sharing knowledge of Colorado field ornithology with the people of the state of Colorado.
These qualifications reflect the character of Dr. Ryder's contributions to Colorado ornithology.
CFO Directors Award
Director's Award recognizes significant contributions to Colorado Field Ornithologists and to efforts that CFO supports.

Landowner Appreciation Award
The Landowner Appreciation Award is given to thank private landowners who graciously allow access for birders to see significant rarities or interesting birds on their property.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award is intended to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the research or conservation of Colorado birds or service to the Colorado birding community.
Land Stewardship Appreciation Award
The Land Stewardship Appreciation Award recognizes individuals or entities who support significant conservation initiatives on Colorado land they own or manage, seeking to maintain habitat that benefits Colorado’s birdlife.
Nomination and Selection
Nominations for any award may be made by the membership-at-large. Only living persons may be nominated for any of the awards. To ensure nominations arrive in time for award decisions, please submit in writing on or before January 15 of each year. Please send nominations, including nominees full name, nominee contact information, and the reason for nomination to the CFO president.
The CFO Board selects and approves each award. Awards are presented at the CFO annual meeting, typically held during the convention. Ron Ryder recipients are presented with a plaque designed to match the original plaque given to Dr. Ryder.
CFO members fund the Awards program entirely with voluntary contributions. Plaques of appreciation are given to businesses, landowners and other individuals who allow access to private property in order to view rare or unusual birds.