Our Mission
Colorado Field Ornithologists is a non-profit organization devoted to the study, conservation and enjoyment of Colorado's birds.
Annual Reports
After two years adjusting to life without the opportunity to hold a convention, during 2022 CFO resumed the annual convention. During the pandemic years, CFO had added new activities to compensate for the loss of the convention. During 2022, we continued those activities including the Colorado Birding Challenge, field workshops, and the web speaker series. The convention was held in Pueblo as originally planned for 2020 and was well attended. The second annual Colorado Birding Challenge was held on May 9 and raised close to $40,000 for Gunnison Sage-Grouse conservation and helped support CFO’s operating costs.
Western Field Ornithologists Partnership
CFO entered into a relationship with Western Field Ornithologists (WFO) in 2017 in order to benefit members of both organizations.
Realized and potential benefits to the partnership include sharing of technical reviewers for each other's journal (Western Birds and Colorado Birds), field trips led by members of both organizations, invitations to attend each other's conferences at member rates, shared publicity, and reduced rates for members of each organization to join the other.
CFO has a non-voting board position who acts as a liason between the two organizations. If you have suggestions on how we might improve the partnership or are a WFO member and would like the coupon code to join CFO, please Contact Us.