Colorado Birding Challenge 2023
May 20, 2023 ALL DAY
In a county of your choice all across Colorado
Categories Field Trips

The 2023 Colorado Birding Challenge will be on May 20, 2023.
The Colorado Birding Challenge is a fun, county-based birding and conservation event held during the most exciting time of the birding year. Each year in May several billion birds migrate into and through the United States and dozens of species begin to establish breeding territories in each county in Colorado.
Teams of birders scatter across Colorado to see as many species as they can in a 24-hour period. Sponsors donate with funds raised going toward the conservation of Colorado birds and their habitats.
The objectives 2023 Challenge are:
- To engage hundreds of birders in a fun day of finding and learning about Colorado’s birds.
- To raise funds for the conservation for conservation of Colorado birds and their habitats.
- To generate eBird data for all 64 counties on the same day.
- To provide support for the expanding programs and work of Colorado Field Ornithologists.