Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch: On-Site Orientation for Volunteers
Feb 25, 2023 9:30AM
Dakota Hogback formation, Stegosaurus parking lot off Interstate 70 and Jefferson County Route 93
Cost Free
Categories Partnered Events

This is training two of three for Spring 2023 Hawk Watch volunteers. Learn more about the opportunity to volunteer.
This in-person session will be held at the monitoring site on Dinosaur Ridge and will enable new volunteers to get familiar with the trail up to the ridge and will introduce both new and returning volunteers to this season’s counters who will be up on the ridge to provide ongoing support and training.
Register for this session on the Workshops page of the DFO website. Note: all participants must fill out a release of liability form in order to attend this training session. The release of liability form can be found on the DFO website.
The Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch begins March 1 and runs through May 14, with daily observation periods from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m March 1-11 and 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. March 12 to May 14. Peak migration usually occurs in mid-April. Hawk Watch volunteers scan the sky from this stationary location.
Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch is a collaborative effort between DFO, Hawk Migration Association of North America, Denver Audubon, Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado Field Ornithologists, and Nature’s Educators. Each of these organizations plays a key role in making Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch possible, contributing funding, expertise, leadership, and volunteers to the effort. It is one of dozens of community science counts on raptor migration routes across the country.