Gunnison Sage-Grouse Habitat Restoration: Road Decommissioning & Habitat Restoration
Sep 23, 2023 9:00AM—3:00PM
BLM Gunnison Field Office, 2500 E New York Avenue, Gunnison, CO
Cost Free
Categories Field Trips, Partnered Events

Help restore the habitat of the Gunnison Sage-Grouse by assisting in decommissioning and seeding unauthorized roads through sagebrush habitat at Cabin Creek to restore and improve critical wildlife habitat.
Volunteers should wear appropriate field clothes, especially gloves, and bring lunch and water.
This event is being coordinated directly by the BLM Gunnison Office and not by CFO. Please contact Melissa Jernakoff ( with any questions.
Where to Meet: Meet at the BLM Gunnison Field Office at 2500 E New York Avenue, Gunnison at 9am on September 23, 2023.