Cartoons and Books for Bird Conservation
Jun 25, 2022 7:00PM—8:30PM
Cost Free

Join CFO’s quarterly speaker series with the marvelous Rosemary Mosco to learn how mixing humor, science, and art can contribute to bird conservation and help us understand the avian wonders in our neighborhood.

Rosemary makes books and cartoons that connect people with the natural world. Her Bird and Moon nature comics won the National Cartoonists Society’s award for Best Online Short Form Comic, were the subject of an award-winning museum exhibit, and are collected in a book that’s a 2019 ALA Great Graphic Novel for Teens. She makes best-selling science books for kids and adults, gives engaging keynotes at birding festivals, and writes for the PBS kids’ show Elinor Wonders Why. Her favorite glacial landform is the esker.
This presentation will be closed-captioned and available to all. If CFO members miss this presentation they may request to view the recording, however, the recording will not be released publicly.