Speaker Series: Erin Gelling, Sandhill Crane Conservation in Northwest Colorado
Mar 19, 2023 7:00PM—8:00PM
Cost $0.00
Categories Speaker Series
Erin Gelling is the Executive Director for Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition. Erin has a strong background in avian wildlife, botany, and environmental education. She completed her Master of Science in Rangeland Ecology from the University of Wyoming working with Greater Sage-grouse and completed her undergraduate degree in Ecology with minor in Geographic Information Systems from Rutgers University. For 15 years, she has worked with a variety of birds, including songbirds, shorebirds, Sage-grouse, and Sandhill Cranes. She is a Certified Interpretive Guide and has worked as a naturalist, bird guide, and environmental educator for over 10 years. A New Jersey native, Erin moved to Northwest Colorado in the fall of 2010 and loves living in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two dogs. She enjoys birding, biking, hiking, skiing, crafting, gardening, and rafting.