Colorado Field Ornithologists is devoted to the study, conservation, and enjoyment of Colorado's birds. Since 1999, CFO annually funds research and conservation projects that will have a lasting benefit to Colorado birds and the habitats upon which they rely. CFO also provides scholarships for youth and students to attend scientific conferences or birding camps to promote the education of the next generation of bird enthusiasts, researchers, and conservationists.  

Colorado Birding Challenge Conservation Grants

The Colorado Birding Challenge is a fun, county-based birding and conservation event organized by Colorado Field Ornithologists each year. The objectives of the Challenge are to engage birders in a fun day of finding and learning about Colorado's birds, to provide support for the expanding programs and work of Colorado Field Ornithologists, and to raise funds for an important conservation initiative.

Past Challenge conservation initiative grant recipients have received from $20,000 to $40,000, depending on how much is raised by the Challenge, to support the important work to conserve Colorado birds and their threatened habitats. Organizations and individuals with conservation projects impacting Colorado birds and their habitats are invited to submit proposals.

2024 Deadline: 31 March 2024 at 11:59 pm

Research Grants

CFO makes grants to individuals or organizations to fund programs and projects that will have a lasting benefit to Colorado birds, and the habitats upon which they rely. CFO provides grants for projects requesting $600-$1500. CFO grants can either fund a full project or be applied as matching funds for larger grants benefitting Colorado birds.


Eligibility: CFO grants are open to individuals and organizations that fit the following criteria: 

    • Conducting avian research in Colorado or species that use habitat in Colorado for either breeding or migrating.

Limitations: CFO grants cannot be applied to the following costs:

    • Institutional overhead/indirect costs.
    • Researcher salaries (stipends for field assistants are permitted)
    • Requests for equipment where use goes beyond the scope of the project (such as cameras, spotting scopes, and office equipment) are usually not permitted and require specific justification.

Reporting Requirements: Recipients of funding will:

    • Present their findings at the annual CFO convention within two calendar years of completing the research supported by CFO.

2024 Grants

Deadline: December 31, 2023

Submission: Email the complete PDF to

Notification of funding decision: March 31, 2024

Joe Roller Memorial Grant & Travel Scholarship

In honor of long-time Colorado birder Joe Roller, the Joe Roller Memorial Fund supports each year's top-ranked research grant. The Joe Roller Memorial Fund also supports one youth travel scholarship a year. The fund was initially funded through donations to Scott Somershoe's 2021 Green Big Year, a carbon-free birding initiative, and is sustained through the investment of the original funds and additional donations. 

Research Grant Awardees

2024 Holden Fox CSU Fort Collins (Kristen Ruegg Lab) Genoscape and migratory connectivity of the Loggerhead Shrike
2023 Joe Roller Memorial Grant Awardee
2024 Nicole Addison CU Boulder (Scott Taylor lab) Documenting responses to experimental and natural nest intrusions in two species of cavity-nesting chickadee
2024 William Anderson CU Boulder (Scott Taylor lab) Using acoustic and genomic data to evaluate the taxonomic status of Northern Pygmy-owls
2024 Christina Barros UNC (Lauryn Benedict lab) Investigating song function in female birds using Red-winged Blackbirds as a model
2024 Johanna Beam Penn State (David Toews lab) Using hybrid zones to untangle evolutionary relationships in a monotypic songbird
2024 Nicolas Frasson UNC Chapel Hill (Keith Sockman Lab) Does migratory distance affect reproductive success of a passerine bird?
2024 Megan Miller CSU Pueblo (Claire Ramos lab) Determining the correlation between bird health and oxidative stress during spring and fall migration

Travel Scholarships

CFO Travel Scholarships provides financial help to young Colorado birders to attend summer camps, workshops, conferences, and training programs that introduce them to science and nature through the study of birds. Scholarships typically range from $200-$800.

CFO requires that the recipients write a short summary, preferably with photos, of their experience for Colorado Birds: Quarterly Journal of Colorado Field Ornithologists or to be posted on the CFO website.

Deadline: Rolling deadline but please submit at least 4 weeks prior to the event you wish to attend.

Submission: Email application materials to the Grants & Scholarships Committee at

Notification of funding decision: Within 1 month of receiving the application. 

If you have questions, please contact us at the email above.