CFO Facebook Group
Join the CFO Forum on Facebook where the Colorado birding community can share observations and other information related to birds and birding in Colorado.
This group is open to all but is a private Facebook group to reduce spam, fill out a simple questionnaire to join.
Colorado Birds Journal
CFO's quarterly journal, Colorado Birds, publishes current research on Colorado's birds, reports of rare and unusual birds seen in Colorado, updates on CFO activities, and more. All CFO members can access all editions of the journal. Non-members have open access to issues that are more than 2 years old.
COBirds Google Group/ Listserv
COBirds is a CFO-supported Google Group with over 1400 members for the discussion of Colorado birds. Get the latest from the Colorado birding community in your email inbox or see the latest posts online.
This group is open to all. Read the COBirds Posting Guidelines before posting.
CFO YouTube channel
Improve your bird ID and learn about Colorado's birds with these videos from CFO's online workshop and speaker series.
Subscribe to get notified of the latest workshops and other videos.
Discord: Colorado Birding
Join the Discord server, Colorado Birding: RBA & Discussion. It is a community space for discussion of birds and birding in the state of Colorado and getting to know your fellow Colorado birders.
Please read the Welcome before posting in any of the channels.
CFO Email Newsletter
Subscribe to our CFO Monthly Email Newsletter and stay up to date on activities, birding news around our state, and how you are making a difference for birds. We hope you are excited to read more about what CFO can offer you...

Volunteer opportunities include in-person and at-home opportunities from helping on small projects and leading field trips to serving on CFO committees and being part of the CFO Board of Directors.