Volunteers Drive CFO
For over 50 years, CFO has provided learning opportunities for Colorado's birding community and supported research on and conservation of Colorado's birds through the dedication and hard work of countless volunteers.
CFO thanks all those individuals who have offered their time and support to volunteer causes and encourages new and returning volunteers to join the efforts.
Volunteer opportunities include a mix of in-person and at-home opportunities from helping on small projects and leading field trips to serving on CFO committees and being part of the CFO Board of Directors.
CFO will occasionally put out specific volunteer announcements when specific skills and open positions are available but encourages anyone to contact us at any time about opportunities. Some of the best new initiatives of CFO have occurred because someone had a great idea and brought it to the CFO board and collaborated to make it a reality.

Special Call for CFO Volunteers
While CFO has openings for all types of volunteers all the time (see green box below), these are specific roles we are recruiting for right now.
This position could be filled by one person as the Website Editor or shared between three editors: General, News, Events.
The website content editor(s) is responsible for information on the CFO website (cobirds.org). This site is built on the WordPress platform.
The individual(s) in this role will be part of the Communications Committee but will end up working with all or nearly all board members and committees to support the various CFO activities (this does NOT mean the person in this role needs to attend meetings from all committees but they may be emailing/talking to folks from all committees). The Communications Committee currently meets for 1.5 hours/month in the evening.
Initial training and documentation will be provided. There is also technical support from NEONOne available via their support team.
General Editor
The person in this role would be responsible for many of the pages on the website that get updated on an irregular basis or a few times per year on a regular schedule.
Estimated Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/month with amount varying throughout the year (see the specific pages for when they need updates).
Events Editor
The person in this role would work closely with the committees running CFO’s large events (CFO Convention and Colorado Birding Challenge). They would update the event page prior to registration opening.
Estimated Time Commitment: Varied. In the month leading up to announcing an event or opening registration, probably ~5 hours. Between the event announcement and the event:0-2 hours as there may be updates needed if plans change or info is updated. In the month after the event, 2-3 hours to move info to the “past” event page and convert the landing page to either evergreen content or save the date for the next year. Other months, 0-1 hour depending on if you get a request to post a different event as an Event content type for the website calendar (speaker series, one-off field trips, etc).
News Editor
This individual is responsible for posting the news and related articles that CFO posts on the website.
Estimated Time Commitment: 2-4 hours every 2 months, plus 30 minutes as needed a couple of times per year.
If you are interested in or have any questions about these roles, please contact Megan Jones Patterson <mjonespatterson@cobirds.org>. Thank you.
CFO seeks a new board director with the primary role of overseeing the technology side of CFO operations. CFO has several online platforms including websites, Google Workspace, a Customer Relationship Management database, and social media accounts. This director would be responsible for oversight of these platforms, with the usage and content updating of the various platforms being a collaboration between the Director and other Directors/Committees including the Communication Committee.
This Director will be part of the CFO Board of Directors and is expected to attend board meetings (in-person or remotely) and contribute to board discussions and decisions as governed by the CFO Bylaws.
Time Commitment
After an initial phase of getting set up and understanding the CFO environment, we expect the time commitment for role to be 5-10 hours/month for oversight and back-end management. If the Director wants to take on content management of the website or social media sites this would be some additional time. The time commitment for this position includes preparing for and attending the CFO Board Meetings (typically 3-4 hours on a Saturday or Sunday once per quarter).
Desired Skills/Experience
- Familiarity with and/or interest in learning more about:
- Domain hosting/management w/ GoDaddy
- Google Workspace
- WordPress websites
- Ability to translate the technical needs of CFO to the board in non-technical terms.
- Ability to collaborate with other directors and committee members to maintain CFO's web-based platforms.
If you are interested in this role or have any questions, please contact us at volunteers@cobirds.org.
- Content development
- Editing skills
- Graphic design (basic skills, nothing too fancy)
If you are interested in this role or have any questions, please contact us at volunteers@cobirds.org.
Help CFO be a vibrant, community-based, and motivating organization for years to come. CFO is currently seeking an individual to join the board as Vice President. The Vice President is responsible for supporting the CFO President and assisting with duties as needed with the anticipation that they will become the next CFO president. The Vice President will also be responsible for overseeing that the CFO Bylaws and policies are applied across CFO activities. The Vice President is also part of the CFO Executive Committee made of up all four officers to handle matters that CFO needs to handle between the board meetings. The Vice President may also choose to join another CFO committee of interest.
The time commitment for this position includes preparing for and attending the CFO Board Meetings (typically 3 hours on a Saturday at least once per quarter), occasional meetings with the Executive Committee (typically < 1 hour/month), and review of the Bylaws/Policies to ensure internal compliance.
Desired Skills/Experience
Experience in creating agendas, leading meetings and discussions of important issues, and delegating tasks will be assets in this role. Familiarity with the Colorado birding community will also be an advantage.
If you are interested in this role or have any questions, please contact us at volunteers@cobirds.org.

Survey for Pinyon Jays
CFO is partnering with other regional organizations to map Pinyon Jay activity across the western US in pinyon-juniper habitat and surrounding areas. Volunteer community scientists (you!) record data anytime the bird in the appropriate areas -- whether or not they see jays.
Volunteer With Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers organizes thousands of volunteers each year to complete more than 150 conservation projects throughout Colorado. This year CFO is working with this terrific organization to encourage our supporters to participate in habitat and trail restoration projects at some of our favorite birding hotspot, as well as make a difference for threatened species such as the Greater Sage-Grouse.
There are a variety of projects from family-friendly to strenuous, so take a look at these projects, specially curated for birders like you!
Volunteer on a CFO Committee
Committees form the backbone of CFO with most of the work and idea generation occurring at this level. Volunteering to be part of a committee is a great way to be part of exciting initiatives, meet CFO board members, and to give back to your community. CFO committees are chaired by a CFO Board Director and have a mix of other directors and volunteers on them. Most committees meet monthly throughout the year for 1-2 hours. Additional time commitment by committee members varies depending on tasks and, for many committees, an annual cycle around events.
A complete list of committees and committee membership can be found on the CFO Leadership page. Descriptions below highlight some of the types of committee volunteer opportunities.
Do you have an interest in communications, marketing, or education? The communications committee ensures that the Colorado community knows about CFOs upcoming events through the website, social media, and emails.
Be part of planning how CFO will support conservation in Colorado.
This new committee will focus on creating partnerships and implementing educational efforts for learners of all ages.
Do you like event planning and want to make CFO conventions the best possible events? Is planning a Big Day event and helping raise funds for conservation your thing? These committees are for you!
Field Trips
Field trips & workshops cannot operate without trip leaders! Enjoy birding in your local area and want to share it with others? Let us know! There are opportunities to shadow experienced trip leaders before you start leading.
Interested in Voluntering? Let Us Know
Interest in joining the CFO Board?
The CFO Board of Directors provides oversight and direction for CFO. In addition, Directors serve as Committee Chairs and participate in various committees to ensure the success of CFO's endeavors.
CFO strives to have a board that geographically represents all of Colorado, to facilitate this, quarterly board meetings occur online. Many board members are still actively working or raising families so don't think you need to be retired to participate! Directors serve a 3-year term with 2 term limit but may return to the board for additional non-consecutive terms.
If you are interested in joining the board, please download and fill out the application form and return it to the CFO President.