CFO Awards

Colorado Field Ornithologists present awards to individuals and organizations for service to Colorado's avian diversity. 

Ronald A. Ryder Award

The Ronald A. Ryder Award for Distinguished Service to Colorado Field Ornithology is named for the late Dr. Ronald Arch Ryder, known to friends and birders as "Ron". Dr. Ryder was a longtime professor of wildlife biology at Colorado State University and an influential force in Colorado Field Ornithologists and other Colorado birding groups. This award is given to individuals for: 

    • For distinguished service to the Colorado Field Ornithologists organization and its goals.
    • For scholarly contributions to the Colorado Field Ornithologists and to Colorado field ornithology.
    • For sharing knowledge of Colorado field ornithology with the people of the state of Colorado.


These qualifications reflect the character of Dr. Ryder's contributions to Colorado ornithology.

CFO Directors' Award

Directors' Award recognizes significant contributions to Colorado Field Ornithologists and to efforts that CFO supports.

Prairie chicken. Small section of a larger mural in Denver, CO. Photo by Megan Jones Patterson.
Prairie chicken. Small section of a larger mural in Denver, CO. Photo by Megan Jones Patterson.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is intended to recognize persons of character who have gained the respect of birders in their community through decades of service to birders and birding.

Landowner Appreciation Award

The Landowner Appreciation Award is given to thank private landowners who graciously allow access for birders to see significant rarities or interesting birds on their property.

Land Stewardship Appreciation Award

The Land Stewardship Appreciation Award recognizes individuals or entities who support significant conservation initiatives on Colorado land they own or manage, seeking to maintain habitat that benefits Colorado’s birdlife.

Nomination and Selection

Nominations for any award may be made by the membership-at-large. Only living persons may be nominated for any of the awards. To ensure nominations arrive in time for award decisions, please submit in writing on or before January 15 of each year. Please send nominations, including nominees full name, nominee contact information, and the reason for nomination to the CFO president

The CFO Board selects and approves each award. Awards are presented at the CFO annual meeting, typically held during the convention.  Ron Ryder recipients are presented with a plaque designed to match the original plaque given to Dr. Ryder.


CFO members fund the Awards program entirely with voluntary contributions. Plaques of appreciation are given to businesses, landowners and other individuals who allow access to private property in order to view rare or unusual birds.

Award Recipients

Ron Ryder Award

In recognition of distinguished service to Colorado Field Ornithologists, for scholarly contributions to Colorado field ornithology, and for sharing knowledge of Colorado field ornithology with the people of the state of Colorado.

Year Name Service Colorado Birds Article
2018 Lynn Wickersham Contributions though fostering citizen science and leading the Colorado Bird Atlas II.  52.3 pg 148
2014 Catherine P. Ortega Insights into cowbird parasitism and inspiring students to careers in ornithology.  49.1 pg 12
2013 Stephen R. Jones Keen observer of and writer about nature and for continually engaging young people with natural history  47.3 pg 167
2012 Dr. Brian Linkhart Research on Flammulated Owls and a passion to share his knowledge with others  47.2 pg 94
2011 Larry Semo Contributions to Colorado birding, particularly through service to and moderization of the Colorado Bird Records Committee  45.3 pg 169
2010 Alexander Cruz Carrying out and disseminating 40 years of bird research and educating a generation of Colorado ornithologists.  44.4 pg 220
2009 Dave Leatherman Many ornithological achievements including the study, documentation, and education on the diets of Colorado birds.  43.3 pg 175
2008 Tony Leukering Extensive work to vastly improved our knowledge of the status and distribution of Colorado birds.  42.4 pg 240
2005 Rich Levad Impact on Colorado ornithology over 30 years as a long-standing member of CFO and Grand Valley Audubon, a leader of field trips for both, and an author, atlaser, and researcher.  40.1 pg 2
2004 Richard Beidleman For his decades of professional and personal contributions to Colorado ornithology.
2003 Stephen Martin Significant contributions to our knowledge about, and conservation of, Colorado's Bobolink population.  37.3 pg 111
2000 Bob Righter The Accomplished Amateur -- contributions to Colorado ornithology including the authoring or editing of serveral books and articles  34.3 pg 150
1999 Hugh Kingery Extensive contributions to the Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas, among many other contributions.
1998 Harold Holt His extensive contributions to Colorado field ornithology and sharing his knowledge of Colorado birds with the people of Colorado.
1995 Ron Ryder His extensive knowledge, his friendly, enthusiastic, easy going teaching style, and his continued selfless commitment to field ornithology  29.2 pg 4   19.12 pg 3

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is intended to recognize persons of character who have gained the respect of birders in their community through decades of service to birders and birding.

Year Name Colorado Birds Article
2022 Van Truan
2021 Joe Roller
2019 Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright
2018 Ann Bonnell
2014 Dick Schottler
2012 Lynn Willcockson
2011 Suzi Plooster
2009 Warren Finch
2008 Bob Spencer
2007 Joe Himmel

Directors' Award

In recognition of significant contributions to Colorado Field Ornithologists and to efforts that CFO supports.

Year Name Service Article
2024 Nick Komar Distinguished Service for leadership and innovative programs during the COVID-19 pandemic
2023 Sue Riffe Distinguished Service in field trip planning
2022 Tiffany Hansen Stewardship service for the kayak rescue of a Brown Pelican in distress
2022 Ann Johnson Distinguished service for years of website support
2022 Megan Jones Patterson Distinguished service for role in upgrading CFO website
2022 Scott Sommershoe
Distinguished service for Bicycle Big Year fundraiser establishing the Joe Roller Memorial Grant Fund (raised >$40K)
2022 Mark Peterson Distinguished service for outstanding service as chair of Colorado Bird Records Committee
2020 David Gillilan Distinguished service across many volunteer roles with CFO
2020 John Moore Significant contribution for donation of an extensive wildlife art collection
2020 Mark Yaeger Distinguished service for multiple donations of convention artwork for CFO
2016 Duane Nelson Long-term commitment to the conservation of endangered Piping Plovers and Least Terns
2013 Maggie Boswell Distinguished service in many volunteer roles with CFO
2010 Peter Gent Special achievement award
2009 Raymond Davis Distinguished service in many volunteer roles with CFO
2005 Sue Hirshman Stewardship service in the long-term commitment to Black Swift conservation
2004 Jerry Craig Stewardship service in the long-term commitment to raptor work

Landowner Appreciation Award

In recognition of and thanks to landowners/managers who graciously allow access for birders to see significant rarities or interesting birds on their property.

Year Name Access/Species Hosted Article
2024 Phillips Family Chico Basin Ranch
2022 Duane Nelson Costa's Hummingbird
2022 Kirsten Witherell Rosy-finches
2021 August Konvalin Summer Tanager
2021 Darsie Tiglas Purple Finch & Canyon Towhee
2021 George Steele Ruddy Ground-Dove
2021 Gib Rokich Yellow Grosbeak
2016 Army Corps of Engineers Conservation of habitat for endangered Piping Plovers and Least Terns
2016 Gale Tempel Melody Tempel Grove
2016 Jane and John Stulp Creation of bird habitat at Stulp Farms
2016 Paul Tennery Anna's Hummingbird
2015 Adam Jack Magnificent Hummingbird, Coal Creek Canyon
2015 Ira and Tammy Sanders Rosy-finches, Golden
2015 Karl Manderbach American Woodcock
2014 Sean Walters and Family Varied Thrush, Loveland  49.1 pg 13
2012 Rebecca Campbell Pine Warbler, Denver  46.3 pg 179
2011 David Madonna Annual tours of Valmont Reservoir, Boulder
2010 Prairie Vista Meadows HOA Snowy Owl, Peyton
2008 Connie Kogler Streak-backed Oriole, Loveland
2007 Larry Arnold Lawrence's Goldfinch, Grand Junction
2007 Sheldon Zwicker Hooded Oriole, Cortez 41.3 pg 146
2006 Fawnbrook Inn winter feeder, Rosy-FInches, etc. in Allenspark
2005 Claudette Tuxhorn Costa's Hummingbird, Clifton
2005 Susan Allerton White-eared Hummingbird, Durango
2005 Victor and Suellyn Anna's Hummingbird, Grand Junction
2004 Tina Jones Hummingbird feeders in Bow-Mar, Denver
2003 Bob and Pauline Meyers Broad-billed Hummingbird, Grand Junction
2003 Cyndi Mosch Purple Gallinule, Loveland
2001 Chico Basin Ranch Hospitality during CFO convention
2001 Terri D. Steinberg Harlequin Duck, Durango
2000 Matt Snook and Anne Dittmar, Horseshoe Lake HOA Slaty-backed Gull, Fort Collins

Land Stewardship Appreciation Award

Recognizes those who support significant conservation initiatives on Colorado land they own or manage, seeking to maintain habitat that benefits Colorado’s birdlife.

Year Name Service Article
2024 The May Ranch (Dallas May & Jonathan Reitz) Active ranch management while maintaining a sense of balance and harmony with nature