Abstract Deadline: Grand Junction 2025 Science Session

Apr 18, 2025


Abstract submission: Online. Conference: Grand Junction, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists invites students, faculty, professionals and citizen scientists to submit abstracts for the Science Session during this year’s convention in Grand Junction, CO.  Spend the whole weekend to join others interested in Colorado’s birds on trips exploring the varied habitats around Grand Junction.

Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations should reflect original research or summarize existing unpublished information and should be presented in a manner that will interest both serious amateur and professional field ornithologists. All researchers, including students, are encouraged to present.

Talks relating to the following themes are solicited:

  • Status, distribution, migration, and population dynamics of birds
  • Systematics and biogeography of birds
  • Ecology, behavior, and evolution of birds
  • New information on avian field identification problems
  • Science-based conservation and management of birds
  • Techniques for field study of birds, including censusing, monitoring, and other methods; and results of studies applying such techniques.

All talks should identify study objectives, describe methods and data analysis, present results, discuss the significance of the research, and propose future research directions. Oral presentations will be allotted 12-20 minutes (exact timing will be sent to presenters in acceptance email), with a short Q&A following each talk.

Accepted presenters must register for the convention and are invited to participate in birding field trips all three days. Student presenters get an additional discount on the student convention registration rate (details provided when acceptance letter sent).

Abstract Submission

The deadline is 18 April 2025.

We invite abstracts for presentations to be given during the scientific session on Saturday, June 7th from 1-4:30 pm.

Abstracts should be 200-250 words and include a title, name of presenter(s), affiliation, email address, and a picture related to your research if possible. Presentation abstract submissions must be received by 18 April 2025 for consideration at grants@cobirds.org .

Student Travel Awards

CFO offers Travel Awards to offset costs of attendance (transportation, lodging and registration fee) for students.

Convention artwork by TJ Smith, Stray Wild.