New Species Added to the Colorado State Bird List in the Past 6 Years

At the joint conference with Western Field Ornithologists in July 2023, Peter Gent, chairman of the Colorado Bird Records Committee present a talk on the species that have been documented in Colorado for the first time over the past six years.

These species include Golden-crowned Warbler (2018), Fork-tailed Flycatcher (2018), White-tailed Kite (2019), Yellow-green Vireo (2019), Varied Bunting (2020), Ruddy Ground-Dove (2020), Yellow Grosbeak (2021), Cassia Crossbill (2021), Rufous-backed Robin (2022), Yellow Rail (2022), and Limpkin (2023).

Peter also poses questions about Cassia Crossbill and Yellow Rail and makes a prediction of where our next new species will come from.