CFO Convention 2025
Grand Junction, Colorado


From red canyons to alpine lakes at 10,000 feet, this convention has something for every birder!

CFO, in partnership with Grand Valley Audubon Society, is holding its 2025 convention June 5–8 in Grand Junction, Mesa County.

The birding will be great, maybe epic, but there’s so much more to the CFO convention experience. Join the Friday evening social to catch up with friends; learn about species conservation in Colorado during the keynote address by Amy Seglund, CPW Species Conservation Coordinator; attend the science session talks to learn about new research on Colorado's birds; and spend most of each day out in the field seeing the amazing landscapes and birds that the Western Slope of Colorado has to offer.


Banner image: The view from Grand Mesa. Photo by Diana Beatty
Convention art by TJ Smith, Stray Wild. 

Convention artwork by TJ Smith, Stray Wild.

Registration Packet

Please read before you register!

This registration packet includes meal options, unique convention shirts, all field trip descriptions, and more. Please review this information before you start the registration process. We expect some trips to fill very quickly once registration opens, knowing what you want when you start registration will help you get the trips you want.

Want to ensure you and someone else are on the same field trips? We recommend that you plan out trips you want to be on before registration opens. Then log into your separate CFO accounts from different computers or mobile devices and register for trips at the same time.

Coordinate with Others via Discord

A thread titled CFO Convention 2025, Grand Junction has been created on the Colorado Birding Discord server.  Use this space to coordinate housing, carpooling to/from the convention with others, or other topics of interest.  This space is intended for coordination between attendees. Not yet a member of this Discord server, join now.

This thread is not monitored by CFO volunteers. If you need help regarding registration or other convention-related items, please contact us Contact Us directly.

Tentative Schedule

Thursday, June 5, 2025

7:00 am - 4:00 pm Pre-convention field trips
5:00 pm - 11:00 pm Uncompahgre Field Trip
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Welcome picnic: Oak Pavilion, Lincoln Park (catering starts at 6 pm)

Friday, June 6, 2025

5:00 am - 7:00 am Info Table w/ packet pick up
5:00 am - 7:00 am Field trips depart (full & half day trips)
2:00 pm - 7:30 pm Vendor Hall open
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Info Table w/ packet pick up
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Silent Auction
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Social & Student Social

Saturday, June 7, 2025

5:00 am - 7:00 am Info Table w/ packet pick up
5:00 am - 7:00 am Field trips depart (full & half day trips)
12:00 pm - 5:30 pm Vendor Hall open
12:00 pm - 4:30 pm Silent Auction (last chance!)
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm Info Table
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Science Session
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Banquet & CFO Annual Meeting

Sunday, June 8, 2025

5:00 am - 6:15 am Info Table
5:00 am - 6:15 am Field trips depart (half & full day trips)

Student Events

Travel Awards

In addition to the discounted student rates (anyone enrolled in K-12 or a college/university), CFO offers student travel scholarships to attend the CFO conventions. Find more details on how to apply.

Student Social

On Friday evening there will be a separate student and youth social from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.

Science Session

The Science Session offers an opportunity to present research and conservation project results in a low-pressure environment. Many of the presenters each year present work they completed while being a student. This is also a great way for those not yet involved in research to learn about it and meet people they can ask questions regarding how to get involved, choose an undergraduate or graduate program, or how to turn an interest in birds into a career.

Student-Led Field Trips

Several students are leading and co-leading field trips at the 2025 Convention. Thank you to these amazing young birders!

  • Archer Silverman - SA2 Black Canyon of the Gunnison & SU8 Gateway Cottonwoods
  • Kieran Schnitzspahn - SA12 Horsethief & SU8 Gateway Cottonwoods


Why should I Attend?

Birding at Beckwith Ranch during a Salida convention. Photo by Diana Beatty.
Convention birders at Grand Mesa during the Montrose Convention. Photo by Diana Beatty.
Figure 3. Objectives for my proposed project. Top images courtesy of the Pravosudov lab. Objective 1: On left, RFID feeder and on right, MOCH getting a seed out of a feeder. Objective 2: Many genes encode for spatial memory. Some of these genes may be different between MOCH and BCCH (Genes A and C in MOCH; Genes D and E in BCCH), while some genes may be the same (Gene B in both).
7-23-19 (18) Conferences-Bighorn Dinner_sm

Convention Logistics


Convention Hotel

The convention will be held at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in Grand Junction, CO.

Grand Junction DoubleTree - 743 Horizon Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81506  (Do not use this link for making your room reservation. See the Housing tab for the link to book rooms for the convention.)

Parking: Overnight guests who book through the CFO block and any daytime users (during CFO events) get free parking.

Welcome Picnic

The Welcome Picnic will be held at Lincoln Park in Grand Junction, Colorado.  We will be at the Oak Pavilion south of the pickleball courts.

Lincoln Park Oak Shelter -- 12th Street and Gunnison Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501

Shirts & Hats
Breakfasts and Lunches
Banquet Menu
Attendance & Cancellation Policy
Science Sessions
Convention Program


CFO thanks the following sponsor for supporting the 2025 Convention in Grand Junction. All sponsors will have a table in the Vendor's Hall, please visit them!

Black Swift (Welcome Picnic) Sponsor

Black Swift (Friday Social) Sponsor

Pinyon Jay (Science Session) Sponsor

Pinyon Jay (Coffee Break) Sponsor

Lucy's Warbler Sponsors

Registration closes on May 12

Convention registration includes all your field trips, the Welcome Picnic, Friday evening social (or Student Social), and the Saturday scientific session. Field trip registrations are first come, first served; some trips may fill before you register.

Tickets for the banquet and keynote address by Amy Seglund, CPW Species Conservation Coordination, must be purchased separately. 

Have a family member or friend joining you but not attending the convention? Tickets to the Welcome Picnic and the Banquet can be added on to your registration.  

Late Registration from May 13-21 costs $220 (members)/$280 (non-members) and shirts/hats cannot be purchased with these registrations.

Registration fees for CFO Members

Full convention

  • Entry to convention-related activities: field trips, welcome picnic, social, and science session. Banquet ticket must be purchased separately.


  • Must be 18 years or younger, or enrolled in an accredited college or university. Must show student ID at packet pickup. Same access as Full Convention. Banquet ticket must be purchased separately.

One day convention

  • Includes all activities on day selected. Banquet ticket must be purchased separately.

Registration fees for Non-Members

Learn about becoming a CFO member.

Full convention

  • Entry to convention-related activities: field trips, welcome picnic, social, and science sessions. Banquet ticket must be purchased separately.


  • Must be 18 years or younger, or enrolled in an accredited college or university. Must show student ID at packet pickup. Same access as Full Convention.Banquet ticket must be purchased separately.

One day convention

  • Includes all activities on day selected. Banquet ticket must be purchased separately.

Banquet & Keynote Speaker Ticket

  • Anyone wanting to attend the banquet and hear the keynote speaker must purchase a banquet ticket.

CFO members, please sign in to your account prior to registering to get your member discount.

Field trip leaders, please see your email with the subject line "CFO Convention Special Registration Information" regarding registration prior to using the form linked below to get your discounted registration rate.

All registrants, you will need to make your field trip, workshop, food, and shirt/hat selections when you register. Download & review the Registration Information Packet to see the field trip descriptions and more details.

IMPORTANT: If you use your back button during the registration process, all dropdown selections will be removed. You must reselect all of them.

On the Member Login page, please select "Having trouble logging in?" (under the Log In button).  You will be sent an email to the email associated with your account with directions on how to reset your password. If you don't get an email with a minute, please check your spam folder. 

You can also set up your online CFO account in this same way if you have not done so already. 

If you remain unable to access your account, please email We are a primarily volunteer-run organization so it may take us a few days to get back to you. 

Each person must register from their own account and submit a separate registration. (The only exception is the ability to buy an additional banquet ticket for another person). 

If you have two devices (computers, tablets, cell phones), we suggest you each log in to your account on a different device and register simultaneously to ensure the availability of trips, if you so choose.  Otherwise, register and pay for one person, then log out, log into the other account, and register the other person.  

CFO Members

To get the membership rate, each attendee must be a CFO member. CFO offers $15 household membership for any additional individuals living in the same household. Learn about household memberships. 


If you are not a CFO member, simply fill out a registration form for the first person and then repeat the process again for other individuals. An account will be created for each individual. 

Please contact us with the needed change. Depending on the change, there may be additional costs associated (e.g., if you change to a field trip with a separate fee, or add on a t-shirt). 

The field trip and workshop sign ups are part of the registration process. On the registration form, you will choose from drop-down menus what field trips you would like to attend on which days.

Please review your registration after and ensure that you have registered for the correct field trips. Some field trips and workshops have an additional fee associated with them to cover trip-specific costs. 

If you would like to change something email

If you want to access your registration in the future you can access it by clicking on "Account" in the upper right corner of this page and then "Member Portal" (even if you aren't a CFO member). In your portal, there is a "registered events" link.

This applies to anyone with a CFO web account (e.g. you've registered for an event), even if they aren't a CFO member. 

Click on "Details" next to the 2022 Pueblo Convention.

Vendor Information

Vendors at the CFO Convention will be located in the main meeting room where most of the convention-related activities will occur.  This will yield high foot traffic and the opportunity to interact with the vast majority of convention attendees.

Vendors are responsible for complying with any applicable city, county, or state taxes on items sold at the convention.

Exhibit Hall Hours
Friday, June 7th: 2:00 - 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 8th: 12:00 - 5:30 pm